
Tombola della Smorfia Modiano, 48 Cards

Tombola Bingo is a traditional Italian game

This unique bingo game replaces numbers with Neopolitan nicknames for each square.

Enjoy playing a game of Tombola with friends and family during the holidays.

Tombola is a traditional Italian bingo game played at Christmastime. Everyone buys a Tombola card for a price, and the winner of the game receives the tombola, or jackpot. Modiano’s Tombola della Smorfia is a version of traditional Tombola that uses the Neapolitan nicknames for the bingo numbers: For example, Number 20 becomes Le Feste or “parties.”

For Italian speakers looking to practice, this game will test your vocabulary even more than the standard Tombola. The smorfia set comes with 48 cards, so the whole family can participate in a festive board game night. 


Product of Italy